God's Perfect Gifts.

God's Perfect Gifts.

"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights" – James 1:7.


Once there was a young attorney in New York who was single. Every year at Thanksgiving the senior partner of the firm would buy everyone a fresh turkey for their Thanksgiving dinner. The young man never knew what to do with his turkey, since he did not have a family, but every year he accepted it graciously. That night, as he rode the subway home, he wondered what to do with the large prize sitting in his lap. He didn't know how to cook it, and his family lived in another state.

As he travelled home that night, a dishevelled and discouraged looking stranger sat beside him on
the subway. They began to talk, and the attorney learned that the man had spent the whole day looking for a job, but without luck. He had a large family, and was concerned about what he would do for Thanksgiving.

The attorney was thrilled to find someone who could use the bird that had been given to him. He did not want the man to feel like a charity case so he said to him, "How much money do you have?"

He said, "Only a couple of dollars and a few cents."

"Sold," exclaimed the attorney and placed the turkey in his lap. The man was moved to tears and thanked him over and over again, delighted that his family could have a good Thanksgiving with such a fine bird, and at such a good price.

But the next Monday morning the attorney's co-workers circled his desk with smiles on their faces. Some of them laughed as they asked him how he liked his turkey. He sat horrified as they told him how they had replaced his real turkey with one made of papier-mache. They had carefully weighted the fake bird, and after wrapping it in brown paper, stuck a real neck and tail through the paper.

For a week the he rode the subway for all hours searching for the stranger he had unintentionally wronged, but never found him.


People may make mistakes and fail us, they may even play tricks on us, but God doesn't make mistakes when He blesses us with his gifts. He does not fool us, or play jokes on us.

The Bible says, "Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights" – James 1:7.

That is why we can say, "This is the day the LORD has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it" – Psalm 118:24).

We are content, we are happy because we are a people of hope.
We are a people of hope because we have a God who cares.
He has made us, and He has made our world. He has made today and all our tomorrows.

Blessed Be God Forever and Ever. Amen!

Stay Blessed!


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