You Must Believe Before You Achieve....

When a blind man came to Jesus, He asked, “Do you believe that I am able to do this?”

“Yes, Lord,” the blind man replied.

Then Jesus touched his eyes and said, “Let it be done to you as you believe." And his sight was restored.

The next time you come across a tough situation and need God's intervention, I encourage you to ask the Lord in prayer and by faith believe that you have received your answer from the Lord. Stand strong on God's promise and do not waver in your faith, He is with us even till the end of time.


George Foreman was a two-time heavyweight boxing champion of the world. At age 45, he became the oldest man in the world to win the title. In his book, God in My Corner, he writes:

When I climbed in the ring during my comeback, the announcers often introduced me as “the former heavyweight champion of the world.”

As they introduced me, I’d mumble to myself, “And the next heavyweight champion of the world.”

He goes on to say, "How could I ever win the title if I didn’t believe that I could? If you have a great dream you are attempting to fulfill in your life, you’ve got to believe it can happen before you can actually do it. I wasn’t trying to be proud. I simply believed what God had promised me – that I would regain the title."


Elisha kept praying for rain and did not waver in his faith even though the outcome did not look positive. Soon after, there came rain so heavy that people were not able to stay outside to withstand it.

I want you remember that God is no respecter of persons and just as God met Elisha's needs because of his unwavering faith, God is faithful to do the same for us when we stay steadfast and unmoved in Him.

Jesus says, "Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them." – Mark 11:24.

"Faith sees the invisible, believes the incredible and receives the impossible!"

Stay Blessed! 


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