Joy Of Giving Back…

“Therefore, confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another, so that you may be healed. The prayer of the righteous is powerful and effective." - James 5:16.


There was a snack joint near our college campus and there was always a lot of rush.

Many times, I had noticed that a person came and took advantage of the crowd, after eating and secretly left without paying.

One day while he was eating, I secretly informed the owner that this person would eat and leave without paying the bill. Listening to me, the owner smiled and said, "Let him go, and we will talk about it later."

As usual, this person, after having his snacks, looked around at the crowd and quietly slipped away. After he left, I asked the owner, “Tell me why did you let the man go. Why did you ignore this man's action?

The answer given by the owner lit up my senses and, to this day, I have not forgotten the grand lesson.

He told me, “Many told me about this man but I always ignored it and never stopped him. Because when I asked this man why he was sitting at the entrance of my restaurant, he told me that he was praying for my business so that he could get some food from me.

I felt pity for him and I told him to come in and eat whenever he was hungry. I believe that the rush in my shop is due to the prayers of this person.”

The owner continued, “And surely enough there is always a rush when he comes in. His prayers are powerful.”


Prayers make everything possible and who knows we are flourishing in our life due to prayers of many known or unknown ones around us."

One example we have is of St. Monica who prayed for her son Augustine‘s transformation, who later became a saint.

But the best example we have is of our Saviour Jesus Christ, our greatest intercessor, read John 17. Jesus intercedes to Abba Father for His apostle and all who believe in Him; that includes you and me.

“Lord, I pray for all who are reading these words right now. I ask You to pour out Your grace and mercy, accompanied by an immediate, tangible awareness of how much You love them.

I declare on their behalf the wonderful promise You express in Jeremiah 29:11 – ‘that You know Your plans for each of us – plans for good and not for evil, to provide us with a future and a hope.’

I pray now, letting him or her know that the future You have prepared is a positive one, filled with hope and blessing for every aspect of their life – now and in the future, in Jesus’ name, Amen!

Stay Blessed!


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