Get Up!

“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” – Galatians 6:9.


Bringing a giraffe into the world is a tall order.

A baby giraffe falls 10 feet from its mother’s womb and usually lands on its back. Within seconds it rolls over and tucks its legs under its body.

Then the mother giraffe rudely introduces the newborn giraffe to learn its first lesson. The mother giraffe lowers her head long enough to take a quick look. She waits for about a minute, and then she does the most unreasonable thing. She swings her long, pendulous leg outward and kicks her baby, so that the baby is sent sprawling head over heels.

When the baby doesn’t get up, the violent process is repeated over and over again. The struggle to get up is huge. As the baby calf grows tired, the mother kicks it again to stimulate its efforts. At last, the baby giraffe stands for the first time on its wobbly legs.

Then the mother giraffe does the most remarkable thing. She kicks it off its feet again. Why? She wants it to remember how it got up.

In the wild, baby giraffes must be able to get up as quickly as possible to stay with the herd.

There is safety by staying with the herd. Lions, hyenas, leopards, and wild hunting dogs all enjoy preying on young giraffes, and they’d get the baby, if the mother didn’t teach her calf to get up quickly and stay with the herd.

The mother does not give up on her baby till she gets up and assures it’s up and running.


This is the same with each one of us.

Sometimes in our life we dream of something that should be accomplished, then we go to work.

We are beaten over the head, knocked down, reviled and for years we get nowhere. But every time we’re knocked down, we stand up.

The above is like our Spiritual pruning:

It might look like difficulty in a relationship, trouble in your marriage or family, loss of job or loss of a loved one, grief, disappointment, hopelessness, being confronted by our own sin, or circumstances that just seem unfair.

Yet, even amidst the most arduous circumstances, we can trust that God is at work.

If we have lost our faith in God, it’s time to get up, persevere and not give up.

God did not give up on us and He never will. Then why should we?

Therefore, let’s GET UP and…

Stay Blessed!


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