In Christ, We Stand…

"I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." - John 15:15.


A priest traveling on a train in Europe was the sole occupant of a compartment, except for a young man reading a newspaper.

The youth was also a Christian, but so weak was his faith, and so many were his temptations, that he told the priest he did not think he would be able to stand life a week longer.

The priest took from his pocket a Bible and a penknife and said, "See, I will make this penknife stand up on the cover of this Bible, despite the rocking of the train."

The young man, thinking that this was some conjuring trick, watched the proceeding with interest, saying, "I am afraid that it will not be very easy to do that, sir."

"But," said the priest, "I am doing it."

"Oh, but you are holding it," retorted his fellow passenger.

"Why of course. Have you ever heard of a penknife standing up on its end without being held up?"

"I see," was the young man's comment. "I see you mean to teach me that I cannot stand unless Christ holds me. Thank you for reminding me of that."


My dear sisters and brothers, we just can't stand a day without Jesus Christ.

Maybe we think we can, but the REALITY is, we just can't. We have no chance resisting temptation without Christ.

Let’s not be like Peter. When he shifted his gaze from Jesus, while walking on water, he began to sink. The truth is, if you feel weak on your faith, the more you focus on Jesus the more you will walk on water.

Are you weak in faith? Is resisting temptations a weakness? Is there something that you cannot give up and is tying you down?

This second Friday of Lent, let’s step out of the boat, hold on to Jesus’ and walk on water.

Stay Blessed!


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