Gorilla Moments…

"I lift up my eyes to the hills—where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth." – Psalm 121:1-2.


A 30-second film shows six people playing basketball, three in white shirts and three in black. Volunteers are asked to count how many times the white shirt team passes the ball. At the end of the film, they are asked if they saw anything unusual. Most of them answered in negative.

The unusual thing is, halfway through the film, a man wearing a gorilla suit walks through the players, beats his chest to the camera, and then walks off.

"When shown the film again, people are utterly surprised to see him, to the extent that they often believe a different film has been substituted for the original one. Their focus on one task has blinded them to a truth.


"This film trick illustrates a simple fact – that if we are only looking for one thing, we do not usually see anything different. The point at which people finally see the unexpected is what he calls a 'gorilla moment.' Furthermore, so often in life people see only what they want to see and don't see what they don't want or need to see.

Have you had any "gorilla moments" lately?

Have you seen God in your surroundings, in the love of those who love and accept you, in the myriad of blessings we all receive every day?

Have you seen God in your present circumstances or heard what He is trying to say to you in your disappointments, your financial setback, or your losses?

In the words of the songwriter:

“Open my eyes, Lord; I want to see Jesus,

To reach out and touch Him and say that I love Him.

Open my ears, Lord; help me to listen.

Open my eyes, Lord; I want to see Jesus!'

See and experience the wonder of God’s handiwork in all of nature as well as in the everyday issues of your life; then praise and thank Him, and…

Stay Blessed!


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