God’s Direction Last Forever!

"What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes." – James 4:14b.

That verse in the book of James is a true statement and it points, like a flaming arrow, at the futility of living our lives with selfish motives. James points out the folly of making all kinds of plans and schemes just to make money, just to make our lives more comfortable. He urges us, instead, to seek God's will and do the good laid out for us to do. That, in effect, is a life of consequence, a life that will reach into eternity.


An executive in a huge company in the United States, was making thousands of dollars and continually planned how to make more. His boss loved him. His colleagues envied him. Some of them hated him. His wife left him and his children barely know him.

He has no place for God in his life until he is sent to China to develop business relationships for the company.

He meets an old college friend, a brilliant man who was sent to study in the United States. He expects the man is a prosperous professor by now but is shocked to discover that his friend is working as an Assistant to a Locksmith and living in poverty. His Chinese friend has chosen God over riches and prestige.

This executive begins to see the richness of the Chinese man's life, the richness of his faith. His boss is his friend. His colleagues respect and honor him. His wife and son love him and are faithful to him.

The Assistant locksmith living in poverty had an eternal effect. His life, though short, was of consequence. His life, though "a mist that appears for a little while," was patterned after God's will.


The verse quoted at the beginning is true but it does not have to be depressing. Living our lives according to God's will, directed by the Holy Spirit, is a sure way to joy, peace and fulfillment. Life is short but it doesn't have to be of no consequence. What is done under God's direction will last forever.

In life, don’t dwell over any circumstance or situation you come across, whether good or bad, always bear in mind:

Blessed Day!


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