Selfless Friendship…

"Greater love has no one than this; to lay down one's life for one's friends." – John 15:13.


The story tells of two friends in World War I, who were inseparable. They had enlisted together, trained together, were shipped overseas together, and fought side-by-side in the trenches.

During an attack, one of the men was critically wounded in a field filled with barbed wire obstacles, and he was unable to crawl back to his foxhole. The entire area was under a withering enemy crossfire, and it was suicidal to try to reach him. Yet his friend decided to try.

Before he could get out of his own trench, the Sergeant yanked him back inside and ordered him not to go. "It's too late. You can't do him any good and you'll only get yourself killed."

A few minutes later, the Sergeant turned his back, and instantly the man was gone after his friend. Shortly after he staggered back, mortally wounded, with his friend, now dead, in his arms.

The Sergeant was both angry and deeply moved. "What a waste," he blurted out. "He's dead and you're dying. It just wasn't worth it."

With almost his last breath, the dying man replied, "Oh, yes, it was, Sarge. When I got to him, the only thing he said was, 'Jim, I knew you'd come!"


“One of the true marks of a friend is that he is there when there is every reason for him not to be, when to be there is sacrificially costly."

What a beautiful story of friendship. One might think that this type of friendship is close to impossible to come by, as these days society is more focused on self than others.

However, this is the friendship that Jesus offers us every day! He gave His life on the cross and offers His gift of true and meaningful friendship to each of us. All we must do is accept it. Once we experience Christ in our lives and enjoy a personal relationship with Him, we can then be this type of friend to others.

Selflessness and sacrificial friendship; let this example start with us and bless others.

Stay Blessed!


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