The Perfect Portrait...

“Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love.” – Ephesians 4:2.


Once there lived a brave king. He fought many battles and won many of them. Unfortunately, in one of the most important battles for his country, he was badly wounded. The king lived to relish the victory of the battle but lost an eye and a leg.

One day the king saw the paintings of some brave kings from the past. “I should have one for myself too, then I will be remembered for my bravery for years to come” thought the king. He called for all the great painters in the country and asked them to paint a beautiful portrait of him.

“Who will paint my portrait?”, asked the king. But none of the painters dared to accept the task of painting the king’s portrait. They couldn’t think of any way they could make the one eye and one-legged king look beautiful. “How could we include such defects of the king in the painting and make him look beautiful”, they all thought.  A bad painting would make the king angry and none of them wanted to suffer from the wrath of the great king.

But one courageous painter agreed to take the challenge of drawing the king’s portrait. He drew a beautiful classic picture of the king. It was a fantastic piece of art. Everyone was surprised how beautifully he presented the king in the portrait.

He painted the king aiming for a hunt with an eye closed and a leg bent.


How beautiful the world would look if we could ignore others' weakness and celebrate their strength. The world will be much more beautiful if you ignore the flaws in others and see their strength.

May we discover creative ways to encourage others and to motivate them toward acts of compassion, doing beautiful works as expressions of love.

“Therefore encourage one another and build up each other…” – 1 Thessalonians 5:11.

Let us learn to honour unto others as others honour unto us.

Stay Blessed!


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