We Are In Big Trouble…

Prayer needs to be an essential part of each of our lives. Many times we become lazy in our commitment to the Lord concerning our prayer time and whether we realize it or not, we are opening a door for the enemy to attack our life either spiritually or physically.

It is important that we never forget that God is the sustainer of our lives and as such we are to continually be in communication with Him.


An old mountaineer and his wife were sitting in front of the fireplace one evening taking life easy.

After a long silence, the wife said: "Jed, I think it's raining. Why don't you get up and go outside and see?"

The old mountaineer continued to gaze into the fire for a while, sighed and then said, "Aw, Ma, why don't we just call in the dog and see if he's wet."


That's what you call the height of laziness. And I wouldn't want to say that we are downright lazy, but we all have a lazy streak in us.

Laziness is a faith killer.

 - If we're too lazy to open and read your Bible...

- If we're too lazy to pray and be thankful to God...

- If we're too lazy to memorize and meditate scriptures...

We Are In A Big Trouble!

Laziness is a good indicator that you're slipping away from the hands of God.

The Bible says that we are to pray without ceasing, meaning that we are to continually be in communication with the Lord.

I pray that we are encouraged to spend time alone with the Lord if we haven't already. He promises to bless us, strengthen us and lead our life on to the best path possible as He sees fit.

“Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” – 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18.

Stay Blessed!


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