Unity is Strength…

“I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who abide in me and I in them bear much fruit, because apart from me you can do nothing.” – John 15:5.


Mark Twain, the famous American author and humorist, who lived in the late 1800s, tells a story that he put a dog and a cat in a cage together as an experiment, to see if they could get along. They did.

So, he put in a bird, a pig and a goat. They, too, got along fine after a few adjustments.

Then, he put in a Baptist, a Presbyterian and a Catholic, but hell broke loose.


Mark Twain did not even bother putting together a Christian, a Muslim and a Hindu, that was unthinkable in his days.

In today's world, however, it has become obvious that Christians live in the same cage, in the same city, in the same world, with people of other religions and people without any religion.

Sisters and brothers, we have heard phrases like:

- "Unity is strength" or,

- "United we stand, divided we fall."

We are called to, first of all, acknowledge that there are differences among the members of the body of Christ today and then to continue to bear witness to our risen Christ.

The beautiful image of the vine and its branches inspires us on the theme of unity.

Like the branch, only if we are united and connected to the Lord, we believers can bear fruit.

For Jesus said, "Cut off from me, you can do nothing."

But if we abide in Him, He will abide in us, and we will…

Stay Blessed!


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