One Shining Moment…

“Make me know your ways, O Lord; teach me your paths.” – Psalm 25:4.


She was a whore, prostitute, harlot, or whatever word we want to use. The fact is she sold her body for profit.

Then a moment came that changed everything for her.

Rahab lived in the city wall of Jericho. She not only sold her body but provided rooms for visitors. Two of those visitors were spies that were sent by Joshua to look for any weakness in the city.

Unfortunately, word got out that the spies were at her house so she hid them and told the soldiers that they had already left. 

Until that moment, Rahab had nothing but a regrettable life to offer God, but in that instance, she gave God the only thing she could...her faith!

Hiding the spies and betraying her city would most certainly mean instant death. Yet, she chose to believe God and act on her faith.

At that moment, God overlooked her lifestyle and looked at her heart. 

Not only were Rahab and her family saved, but she went from being a prostitute to becoming the wife of Salmon. Then by God's grace, they had a son named Boaz.

- Boaz married Ruth and they had Obed.

- Obed was the father of Jesse.

- Jesse, the father of King David.

- And from the line of King David came the promised Messiah, Jesus Christ our Saviour and Lord.

All because of Rahab’s one shining moment. Amazing...

Two thoughts:

1. God chooses the most unlikely people to work through.

2. Regardless of our past, background, or circumstances, God can do amazing things through us if we have faith in Him and act on that faith.

God created each of us to live those shining moments of faith and…

Stay Blessed!


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