Promises Fulfilled…

“When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit." Luke 1:41.


“Wonderful Lord, on the Feast of Mary's visit with Elizabeth, we are reminded that You are a God of joy and that You always fulfill Your promises.

We ask the Blessed Mother to intercede for us when we feel discouraged, so that our soul may always magnify You, O Lord.


Dearest Mother, you are the first missionary, who took our Lord Jesus to your cousin Elizabeth and she was filled with the Holy Spirit.

We ask that you also bring our Lord Jesus to us in this present life, and after this our exile, show unto us, the Blessed Fruit of thy womb Jesus; O Clement, O Loving, O Sweet Virgin Mary.

Blessed Mother Mary, pray for us. Amen!”


- Like the Ark of the Covenant of old, Mary brings God’s presence into the lives of other people.

- As David danced before the Ark, John the Baptist leaps for joy.

- As the Ark helped to unite the 12 tribes of Israel by being placed in David’s capital, so Mary has the power to unite all Christians in her Son Jesus.

At times, devotion to Mary may have occasioned some divisions, but we can hope that authentic devotion will lead all to Christ and therefore, to one another.

If John the Baptist, in Elizabeth’s womb leaped for joy at the arrival of Mary, we too will find cause for joy when we come to pray before the Mother of God. 

Pray for us o Holy Mother of God;
that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. Amen.

Just like the proverb:

Apple a day keeps the doctor away; Rosary a day keeps all evil away.

Therefore, Invariably and Faithfully, “Pray the Rosary every day” and…

Stay Blessed!


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