Father, Thy Will Be Done....

“Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done…” – Matthew 6:9-10.

Since God is all-powerful and “does whatever He pleases” (Psalm 115:3), why do we need to pray for His will to be done when His will is going to occur anyway? Have you ever considered that Jesus may have included this in the model prayer in order to help us align our thinking and actions with God’s purpose and plan for us? He wants us to obey Him from our hearts and not outwardly.


Once the parents of a little boy had visitors and they were sitting in the lounge and chatting.

After sometime the little boy who was sitting on a chair got up and started jumping on it. A few minutes passed and it was getting a bit irritating and disturbing to the parents.

The boy’s father told the boy gently to sit quietly and not to disturb. Hardly a minute had gone by the boy stood up and began jumping on the chair again.

This time the father, a bit sternly, insisted the little boy to sit down and not to make any noise.

Once again the boy calmed down and sat on the chair but not for long and disobeying his father’s instruction repeated his action.

This time the father, with more strictness in his voice, corrected the boy saying it is not good to disturb despite of repeated insistence.

Not even a minute had passed, the boy was back jumping on the chair.

Finally the father could take it no longer, he stood up and yelled top of his voice at the boy angrily, to which the boy got frightened and sat down.

However, before the elders could continue their conversation the boy said, “Dad.”

The father asked, “Hmm, what is it?”

The boy said, “Dad, although I am sitting down quietly on the outside, in my heart I am standing up and still jumping on this chair.


This is what is called religion without true salvation. It is purely on the outside but really in the heart there is still idolatry, there is still rebellion. Me, myself and I still reigns supreme. We do not obey God’s word, His commands.

This is not what Jesus is teaching us to pray. He says, ‘let God’s will be done,” with the readiness, with spontaneity which is done in heaven.

What is God’s will?
In this passage, we note that it is God’s will for humans to obey, respond to Him and become His children.

Paul tells us in Romans 12:2, “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect WILL OF GOD.”

Blessed Day!


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