The Greatest Operation!

I do believe God is faithful to answer prayer when we stand strong and believe that we will receive. We need to remember that we are created in the image of God. When God spoke to the darkness and said let there be light, there was light. Just as God's word is received and answered, we should have the same faith and know that once we ask God anything according to His will, God will be faithful to answer.


Once having lunch with a surgeon, a very interesting man, I asked. “Doctor, “what was the greatest operation you ever performed?”

“Well,” he said, “I really don’t know of the many operations I have performed but perhaps the one that meant the most to me was the time I operated on a little girl who was given only 10 percent chance of survival. She was such a little thing, and so pale when they brought her into the operating room.

“At that time, as the nurses were preparing to administer the aesthetic to this little girl, she asked, ‘Doctor, may I say something?’

“Yes, honey,” I replied. “What is it?”

“Well,” she said, “every night when I go to bed I say my prayers, and I’d like to say a prayer now.”

“That’s all right, honey, please say your prayer, and think of me, too, won’t you?”

In a sweet voice she prayed:
“Jesus, tender Shepherd, hear me. Bless thy little lamb tonight; through the darkness be thou near me: Keep me safe till morning light. And, dear God, please bless the doctor.”

Then she added brightly, “I’m ready now. And I’m not afraid, because Jesus loves me and He is right here with me and is going to bring me through okay.”

“I was blinded by tears,” confessed the surgeon. “I had to turn away and occupy myself with another wash up before I could start the operation. And I said, ‘Dear God, if You never help me save another human being, help me save this little girl.’

I operated on her and the miracle happened. She lived!

Leaving the hospital that day, I realized that I was the one who had been operated on, not the girl. She taught me that if I take all my problems and put them in the hands of Jesus, He will see me through.”


The next time you come across a tough situation and need God's intervention, I encourage you to ask the Lord in prayer and by faith believe that you have received your answer from the Lord. Stand strong on God's promise and do not waver in your faith when the enemy gives you thoughts of worry and defeat.

Mark 11:24 Jesus says, "Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them."

By the way, do you know whether you are a doctor or not, just like the little girl in the above story, you too can perform the greatest operation by giving Jesus to others?

Stay Blessed!


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