True Master/Boss!

He is our strength (Psalm 81:1) and our helper in times of trouble.  I encourage you to seek the Lord in prayer and invite Him to be the guide and master of your life.


One fine Morning the King was going for a walk with his ministers. On his way he saw a young boy playing in the mud. The King ordered his soldier to bring that boy to him and they followed his orders.

The King asked the boy, Why are you playing in the mud, you seem to be educated. Why are you spoiling your clothes?

The boy smiled and replied, “Your Majesty, I’m playing in the mud because I’m made up of this mud and after I die, I’ll again turn into this mud.

The King was amazed with the young boy’s answer. The minister went to The King and whispered in his ear, “Your Majesty, I think this boy is very intelligent and learned, why not make him our Advisor, since we are looking for one.”

The King was convinced by his minister’s words and thought this boy would be a perfect Advisor for him.

The King asked the boy, “Will you become my Chief Advisor? I’ll give you a lot of money, power and everything you want.”

The Boy just smiled at the King’s comment and said politely, “Your Majesty, I’ll love to be your Advisor, your servant but I have 4 wishes. If you fulfill these 4 wishes, then I’ll definitely be your Advisor.”

The King agreed and asked the boy to state his wishes.

The boy started:
“First condition: Whatever dish I want to eat you’ll provide me but you will not eat it yourself.
Second condition: You will give me all expensive clothes to wear but you will not wear them yourself.
Third condition: Whenever we go for a walk, I’ll not follow you but we should walk together.
Fourth condition: Whenever I sleep you will look after me, but I will not look after you.”

On hearing all the conditions the King was astonished and said, “What nonsense is this? I’m the King and I will give you all the delicious dishes you wish but will also eat them. I will give you all the expensive clothes but will also wear them. I am the King, so whenever we go for a walk you should follow me, why should I walk with you? Finally, whenever I sleep you should look after me why should I?

The boy smiled at that and said, “Sorry Your Majesty. You cannot fulfill my 4 wishes then how can I become your servant and how can you be my Master.”

“My True Master can only be my Boss. He gives me everything I want to eat but never ask for them. He give me all the clothes to wear but he doesn’t want them back. Wherever I go he is always with walking with me and looking after me. Whenever I sleep he always takes care of me but never asks the same in return. So this way only HE and HE alone can be my boss and my Master.”

After hearing the boy’s words, the King fell at the boy’s fee and said, “Please become my Advisor and teach me how to live a good life and follow that True Master.”


The Bible says that God is the potter and we are the clay.  He is the master and we are the servants.  With God's leading and the still small voice of the Holy Spirit guiding our steps, we can be what he has called us for and do great things with our life for His and His glory alone, in Jesus'. Amen!

Stay Blessed!


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