Call To ME and I Will Answer You...


Sisters and brothers, today we celebrate the feast of Pentecost, the feast of the Holy Spirit, the birth of the Church.

Before Jesus could leave the earth He promised that He was going to send us an Advocate that is the Holy Spirit who will help us, guide us and teach us.


Once a Dad took his young son out into the backyard of their garden and he showed his son a huge boulder.

He told his son, “I want you to move this boulder from this end of the garden to the other end and I want you to use everything within your capacity to push this boulder.

The son was very confident, very enthusiastic and he said, “Yes Dad, I am going to do it.”

The son pushed and pushed but it never moved even an inch. So he tried all the more harder. He used all his strength and kept pushing but nothing happened, it did not move an inch. Finally, after about an hour the son was totally tired, sweating and exhausted.

He says, “Dad, I give up.”

Then the dad asked him, “Son, did you use everything within your capacity to move this boulder?”

The son answered, “Yes Dad, I used everything I probably had. I had some glucose also to push this thing but nothing. I could not move it a little.”

The Dad said, “Son, did you really use everything within your capacity.”

The son was very confident but confused and said, “Yes, Dad you've seen me how much I was struggling.”

 The Dad responded, “If you used everything within your capacity, then you would have also asked for my help.”


How true it is sisters and brothers, many times we live our life on our own strength, on our own capacity and capabilities, that we fail to ask for Jesus’ help.

Therefore when we are also struggling to push through life sometimes we get tired,

stressed out, anxious, nothing seems to be moving ahead. The Lord is asking us, “Are you using everything within your capacity?”

If yes, then you will also seek the help of the Holy Spirit.

Sisters and brothers, whenever you are in doubt whenever you are in confusion, whenever your heart is filled with fear or any kind of anxiety or worry, if you have financial issues, if you are going through family problems, if you are going to pain and suffering, I would like to suggest just one prayer, it's just three words: *“COME HOLY SPIRIT.”* 

Receive the Holy Spirit and…

Stay Blessed!


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