Call and He Will Listen…

“Then when you call upon me and come and pray to me, I will hear you.” – Jeremiah 29:12.


Tom, a little boy, was to begin schooling soon. When the day arrived, that was his first day at school, he was so excited that he got up very early although his school starts at 9:30 am.

He brushed his teeth, packed his bag, his snack box and dressed up. Then he went and woke up his parents telling them, “Come on, reach me to school.”

His parents were surprised and wondered why he was so excited. However, they reached him to school.

Tom attended school but when he came back, surprisingly, that excited and happy mood was no more. There was something different about him.

This went on for many days and the mother who noticed this change called Tom and asked, “Tom, every day when you are going to school you are so energized, cheerful and bright, but when you are back, I don’t see the same excited feelings. Why is it so?”

Tom replied, “I love school but not my teacher.”

His mother asked him, “Why don’t you like your teacher.”

Without any hesitation, he gave a flashing reply, “She is not a listening teacher.”


So very true; we all want to be listened to. We want God to listen to us. We want God to grant our petitions, our needs and wants. Do we listen to Him?

Sister and brothers, we need to be a listening Church. How?

1. Personal Prayer:

Make time for God, make time to pray. When we are silent in front of God, in front of the Blessed Sacrament, God speaks and addresses us in various ways.

2.  Reading and reflecting on God’s Word:

Read it, reflect and remain silent. It informs, it instructs and it inspires. God will speak through His Word.

3. Paying attention to people who love us:

Our parents, our children, our siblings, etc. People who love us will always tell us the truth, they will not sugar coat things. God speaks to us through our loved ones.

I pray that all of us will grow in God’s wisdom and love and…

Stay Blessed!



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