His Word, the Lamp and the Light...

“Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light on my path.” – Psalm 119:105.

There is power in God’s Word to alter your life.

The only way to navigate life’s twists and turns is through God’s Word.


Just before the 1988 Winter Olympics, a television program aired that featured blind skiers being trained for slalom skiing. The blind skiers were paired with sighted skiers and were taught how to make right and left turns.

Once they mastered that, they were taken to the slalom slope, where their sighted partners skied beside them shouting, “Left!” and “Right!”

As they obeyed the commands, the blind skiers were able to navigate the course and cross the finish line depending solely on the skiers’ words. Throughout the course, they were left with the choice of either complete trust or catastrophe.


This is a great picture of the Christian life where this world blinds us to how we are to live. But when we, who are blinded by the world, begin to rely on God’s Word to guide our every step, we discover that whatever twist or turn life throws our way, we can trust the Bible for truth and direction.

If you want to successfully navigate the course of life, lean on God’s Word. Read it daily for guidance and truth, and let it illuminate your path. Because while we may be blinded by the world at times, God’s truth knows and sees every obstacle we’ll face!

You can’t do the will of God if you don’t know the Word of God.

If you want to talk to God, pray. If you want God to talk to you, read His Word.

Stay Blessed!


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