The Human "Face" of God…

"Then, leaving her water jar, the Samaritan woman went back to the town and said to the people, 'Come, see a man who told me everything I ever did. Could this be the Christ?'" – John 4:28-29.


The Trinity College in Cambridge, England, has a long-held tradition of sending students to the slums of South London. The students sleep in the parish hall and spend a week each year working among the parishioners.

Some years ago a student was helping do some home repairs when the occupant, a bed-ridden elderly lady, asked him, “Has anyone told you that you bore a remarkable likeness to Prince Charles? You have a spitting image of him.”

The student replied quite truthfully, “No one has ever told me that before.”

"Strange" she replied, “even with my poor eyes, you look just like him.”

She was spot on.

To her dying day she probably never realized that her drains were being cleaned by the heir to the throne of England, who was indeed Prince Charles.


Some 2,000 years ago the King of kings came into the world as a baby and most of the people of his day, including the religious leaders, never recognized him as the long-promised Messiah because he didn't fit the role of what they expected.

How sad and how tragic when we don't recognize Jesus for who he is and for the gift of salvation and eternal life he has for all who come to him.

“But to all who received him, who believed in his name, he gave power to become children of God…” – John 1:12.

Let’s acknowledge Him, believe Jesus as God's Son and submit to Him as the Lord of our lives. Then we will receive salvation and eternal life and…

Stay Blessed!


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