Don’t Forget, He Rose Again...

“And behold, there was a great earthquake; for an angel of the Lord descended from heaven, approached, rolled back the stone...Then the angel said to the women..."He is not here, for He has been raised just as He said..." – Matthew 28:2-6.


A man was going down a street when in a store window he saw a very beautiful picture of the crucifixion. He gazed spellbound at the vividly pictured story.

Suddenly became conscious that at his side stood a young boy. The boy, too, was gazing at the picture, and his tense expression made the man know that "The Crucifixion" had really gripped the eager little soul.

Touching the boy on the shoulder, the man said, "Sonny, what does it mean?"

"Don’t you know?" he answered, his face full of the marvel of the man's ignorance. "That man is Jesus, and the others are Roman soldiers and the woman who is crying is His mother, and he added, "they killed him!"

The man did not want to move from in front of that impressive piece of artwork, but he had other things he had to do, so he turned and walked away.

In a few moments he heard footsteps on the street behind him, and there came rushing the same boy.

"Hey mister," he exclaimed breathlessly, "I forgot to tell you and don't forget, HE ROSE AGAIN!"


Heavenly Father,

We no longer look for Jesus among the dead, for He is alive and has become the Lord of our lives. From the waters of death, You raise us with Him; Renew Your gift of life within us. Watch over us, Lord, and make us worthy of Your Love. Amen!

Jesus my Lord,

I often approach Thy Throne with my petitions; today I approach Thee with my praise. I praise You, my resurrected Lord, with my whole heart. Amen!

As we are in the week of Octave Easter, may our LORD JESUS CHRIST fill us with His Holy Spirit and may His love flow from our hearts to others and the good news of His Resurrection resound to the ends of the earth.

Stay Blessed!


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