Sunk in a Sinkhole…

“One evening David got up from his bed and walked around on the roof of the palace. From the roof he saw a woman bathing…” – 2 Samuel 11:2.

Like David, we are open and vulnerable to temptation. Call upon the Lord in the hour or even the moment of temptation, and He will give the strength to resist the devil so that he will flee from us.


In December 1985 an enormous sinkhole swallowed a house, a two car sized garage and forced the evacuation of four homes in a retirement community in Florida.

The hole was about the size of a pickup truck when it was discovered. Within three hours it had grown to 30 by 40 feet and had swallowed half of a small house.

Two hours later it had expanded to more than 70 feet, and the house with its garage was gone. Authorities were grateful that it finally stopped growing without doing even more damage.


David discovered that sin is like an ever-expanding sinkhole. As he was walking on the flat roof of his palace, he saw a beautiful woman bathing. Instead of turning away, he stared longingly at her. At this point the sinkhole was small but expanding.

When he inquired about who she was, the hole grew larger.

And finally, when he sent for her, he soon found himself and those around him swallowed up.

What started out as only a look ended in tragedy for all involved.

We, like David, find ourselves falling into the sinkhole of temptation because we leave the door open for temptation to enter.

Temptation is progressive, works the same for all of us. It can start with:

- an innocent look

- then a thought, and

- then if we linger longer on the look.

"Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." – James 4:7.

Bear in mind: "What the mind dwells on the body acts on," so when temptation knocks on our door, the best defense is to change our thinking.

To do this immediately, pray, "Jesus Christ my Lord…help Jesus help." and say over and over until the tempting thoughts are wiped out. The battle belongs to the Lord and Jesus will take control and you will…

Stay Blessed!


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