No Strings Attached…

“We know love by this, that he laid down his life for us—and we ought to lay down our lives for one another.” – 1 John 3:16.


A Spanish father tells a story about how he wanted to reconcile with his son who had run away to Madrid. In order to locate his son, he takes out this advertisement in the El Liberal newspaper: “Paco, meet me at the Hotel Montana at noon on Tuesday. All is forgiven. Love, Papa.”

Paco is a common name in Spain, and when the father goes to the square, he finds almost 800 young men named Paco waiting for their fathers. What drew them to the hotel? It was the words “All is forgiven.”

Notice that the father did not say, “All WILL BE forgiven IF you do this or that.”

Not, “All WILL BE forgiven WHEN you do such and such a thing.”

He simply says, “All is forgiven.” No strings attached.


How important is it to offer our love, especially to those closest to us, with no strings attached?

Jesus did that for you and me when He said, “It is finished.” – John 19:30.

All is forgiven.

Jesus was saying that the debt owed by man to our Creator on account of Adam’s sin is finally and forever dealt with. Jesus is saying, not only does He take away man’s sin, but now He removes it as far as the east is to the west, for it is finished, done, signed, and sealed by His precious blood with no strings attached.

All we are called to do is acknowledge His love, receive His forgiveness and accept His friendship and live a new resurrected life in Christ Jesus, with no strings attached and…

Stay Blessed!


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