Giving is God's Love in Action...

We are to continually be thankful for the many gifts God has given us. It is easy for us to forget how blessed we are when we look at what others have and not focus on the blessings that we possess.

A wise man once said that we should not look at the people who are living better than we are, but rather we should look at those who are not as fortunate because that is when we can be truly thankful for everything we have. I encourage you to remember your many blessings and don't allow yourself to take for granted the great gifts God has given you.

I hope you are blessed and inspired by today's message that shows how we are not only to be thankful for what we have, but also we are to be helpful when the opportunity arises.


One Friday night as a family, my daughter, two sons, wife and I went to our favorite place for dinner. It was not long after we had placed our orders and sat down when a man with long hair and a scraggly mustache slumped into a booth near ours. He was awfully filthy and from the look of his bulging overcoat, everything he owned was stuffed into the pockets. My daughter and sons tried not to stare as he munched noisily on the complimentary crackers. I leaned over and whispered to my wife, “Do you think they'll ask him to leave?”

Just then one of the diners got up from the table where he was having dinner with his family.  He walked over to the man and spoke to him, then went to have a chat with a waitress. Minutes later, a huge sandwich, surrounded by a mountain of potato chips and a mug of fresh coffee arrived at the man's table.  He flashed a smile to his benefactor and dug in.

An hour-long sermon on the theme of kindness could not have been more eloquent than this simple gesture. That night we all left the restaurant filled with good food and renewed spirits - and a strong determination to pass on that kind of generosity whenever we too were able.


I truly believe there is no greater satisfaction to the human spirit than to be a blessing when the opportunity arises. As the Body of Christ here on this earth, we are to recognize that we are an extension of God's hands and feet and we are to show the Love of God to those in dire straits. We are continually to be an example of His Love every opportunity that arises.

Remember: When God blesses you financially; "Don't only increase your standard of Living but increase your standard of Giving as well."

Stay Blessed!


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