Golden Rule…

Our response to God's grace should be to extend it to others; we love because He first loved us, therefore, let us love others as we are loved.


One afternoon a husband arrived home with sad news for his wife...

HUSBAND: Honey, I just received a call, Mama passed away. Shall we go to town and get some necessities for the funeral? Please write a list and then we can go.”

WIFE: A list won't be necessary; we'll just get a very few grocery items.

HUSBAND: Is it going to be enough?

WIFE: No need to waste money, of course it’s going to be enough!

They left for town and after getting a few things. Once again, the husband asked his wife whether she was sure that would be all. She emphasized the issue of not wasting money on the funeral.

They then hit the road towards the village and at a point took a turn to his wife's home.

WIFE: Where are we going, thought you said we are going to the funeral, your Mama passed away.

HUSBAND: Yes, we are going to the funeral; it’s YOUR Mama who passed.

WIFE (shocked & crying): “But that grocery is not enough! Let’s go back and get some more stuff!”

HUSBAND: No! I asked you over and over if it was all that was needed and you said "yes"; so, we are not going back!


Aren’t we all sailing in the same boat?

Would we treat any of our spouse’s family or friends or be it any other any different than we would treat our own?

Jesus didn’t just utter out of the blues, “In everything, do to others what you would have them do to you.” – Matthew 7:12.

He meant everything for our good and for the good of those who are called according to His purpose.

Remember whatever we want others to do unto us, let’s practice likewise and…

Stay Blessed!


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