Come Into His Banquet Hall...

“I have come that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly.” - John 10:10.

Throughout the Bible, God has talked about wanting to bless us. That doesn’t always mean materially, but it doesn’t exclude it either.

Christ came to earth to teach us how to live abundantly, fulfilled lives. If we follow His teachings, we will live to the fullest!


There is a story about a man in Europe who wanted to travel to the United States. In those days, the only way to get here was by ocean liner. He worked hard, saved up his money, and finally put together enough money to buy a one-way ticket. Then he bought a suitcase and filled it with cheese and crackers. That would be his food for the three-week journey. It was all he could afford.

The ship set sail. Meal time came. All the other passengers went into the large dining hall to eat their meal. The man went to his suitcase and took out some cheese and crackers. While he could smell the delicious aromas coming from the meal being served, he went to a corner and ate his cheese and crackers. After the meal, he heard some of the passengers talk about how full they were. The poor man wanted to join the others in the dining hall, but he had no extra money. Sometimes he would lie awake at night, dreaming of food.

Toward the end of the trip, another man came up to him and said, “Sir, I can’t help but notice that each time a meal is served, you go over to that corner and eat cheese and crackers. Why don’t you come into the banquet hall and eat with us?”

The traveler was embarrassed, but finally stammered out, “Well, to tell you the truth, I only had enough money to buy the ticket. There was no money left over for the meals.”

The other passenger raised his eyebrows in surprise. He said, “Why….don’t you realize the meals are included in the price of the ticket? Your meals have already been paid for.”


As a Christian, we are children of the King. Yet, are we living on cheese and crackers, when the delicious banquet meal has already been paid for? It was part of the ticket purchased by Christ on the cross.

We’ve all made mistakes. But if we honestly repent and do our best to do the right thing then we no longer have to live with guilt and shame.

We may be “crippled”………physically, spiritually, or emotionally. That does not change the covenant God made with us. We are still children of the “King”. It brings God no pleasure for you to live in impoverishment.

Do you want to make your heavenly Father happy? Then start enjoying His blessings.
The price has already been paid. Put down the “cheese and crackers” and come into the banquet hall, and...

Stay Blessed!


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