Cheer Up, Life is Good…

"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven" - Matthew 5:16.

Please remember, God loves you just the way you are and has a will and plan for your life. Never allow the evil one to make you feel as if God has forgotten you or does not care about meeting your needs.

We may sometimes feel worthless or not good enough to meet people's standards, but God will use our imperfections to meet the needs of others as He sees fit in His perfect and everlasting wisdom.


Once a farmer bought two water pots but unfortunately one had a hole in it. The farmer used both the pots to put water and bring them to his home. But the broken pot leaked continuously and that made him feel useless.

The other pot feeling proud of himself, used to make fun and tease him when he spilled water.

One day the broken pot could not stand this anymore and so went to the farmer and told him to throw him away.

However, the farmer smiled and said, “Did you see the sides of the road recently?”

They went back down the road and saw many beautiful plants with blooming flowers.

“Did you see that?” the farmer asked the pot, “The water that you spilled has grown these plants with beautiful flowers.”


Moral of this story:

Each of us has our own unique flaws. We're all broken pots but it's the holes, cracks and flaws we each have, that make our lives together so very interesting and rewarding. You've just got to take each person for what they are, and look for the good in them. There is a lot of good out there.

For e.g. - Take the innocent moon. Unlike a lamp or the Sun, the moon does not produce its own light.Moonlight is actually Sunlight that shines on the Moon and bounces off.

So, "Even the smallest light can make a difference in the darkest night."

Sisters and brothers, Cheer Up. Whichever way you can, be a blessing unto others and…

Stay Blessed!


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