God’s Word is Final…

"Now the Berean Jews were of more noble character than those in Thessalonica, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true." – Acts 17:11.

We must respect our leaders but it is also important that we learn to study and know the Scriptures for ourselves and question everything we are taught to make sure it is what God's Word, the Bible.


Once an interesting experiment was conducted with some processionary caterpillars, which are called by this name because they blindly follow each other, one behind another.

Food was placed in the center of a flower pot and caterpillars were positioned end to end so they formed a complete circle around the edge of the pot.

They went round and around for seven days and nights until they dropped dead of starvation and exhaustion. With all the food they needed only a few inches away, they starved themselves to death.


Sad to say some people are like these caterpillars that blindly follow a leader never questioning what he says or teaches.

Imagine questioning the Apostle Paul, the most powerful leader in the early church. But the Berean Christians did and made sure that what he was teaching was in line with God's Word. And they were commended for it.

Let us be open to truth/s we have not yet seen or been aware of and help make sure that all we are taught is in harmony with God’s Word and make God's Word our "final voice of authority."

Stay Blessed!


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