What Must We Do?

Today being the 3rd Sunday of Advent the subject matter is, “What Must We Do?”

There are many moments in life when we get distracted with life's challenges that we tend to forget about those that are not as fortunate as we are.  It is important that we remember the suffering and downhearted and try our best to make a difference in their life. We will be showing the Love and compassion of Jesus Christ and will receive a just reward for treating others the way we ourselves would want to be treated.


One evening during Christmas season, a preacher named Joshua was deep in prayers at his church when he heard a clear voice from the Lord. Jesus told him, “Joshua, tomorrow I shall pay a visit to your home and have a hot a meal with you.”

Joshua was so excited that he even forgot to thank the Lord. He dug into his wallet and counted the contents. He had enough money to buy some decent meal. He put on his coat and hurried out of the door and rushed to the supermarket and purchased quite a few things need to cook a delicious meal and hurried back home.

The next day at noon time, there was a knock on the door. Thinking it was Jesus, Joshua quickly opened the door but to find a poor small boy, “Sir, as I was passing by I got delicious aroma coming from your house. Could you please give me some to satisfy my taste?” But Joshua shooed the boy away saying, “I have a very special guest coming home and I can’t spare anything, please try next door.” And he shut the door on his face.

Hardly a few minutes had gone by, there was another knock and he once again assuming Jesus to be there he quickly ran to the door and opened it to be disappointed again on seeing an old man asking for a hot meal. His reply was the same and once again closed the door with no concern.

Half an hour later there was another knock and he ran to the door to be disappointed the third time on seeing beggar and Joshua told him angrily, “Please go away to the other houses as I expecting Jesus home and cannot entertain you.” Having hunted away the beggar as well, he shut the door and waited for the Lord.

The whole day passed and Jesus did not turn up. Joshua was very sad and upset. He went to his prayer room and called out to the Lord, “Jesus, I had prepared a delicious meal for you but as promised, you did not turn up. I feel let down.”

Jesus replied, “Brother, I did come to your house thrice. Once as a small boy, second time as the old man and then as the beggar; it was not I who let you down but you all the three times without any care or concern.”

Joshua knelt down and cried bitterly.


Even though this story may not be factual, it holds a great truth that confirms God's Word where we read, "It is more blessed to give than it is to receive." Freely giving of ourselves is proof to this world that our Joy isn't based upon material possessions, but rather is based upon the Peace and Love that God has placed in our hearts.

I pray that today's message has spoken to your heart to try your best to be a blessing to someone else in need.  God doesn't give us our talents and abilities solely for the purpose of being blessed, but also to be a blessing towards others.  I encourage you to be a blessing and show the Jesus that lives within you openly with the rest of the world.

Matthew 25:40 Jesus declares, “Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.”

Blessed Day!


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