I Give You Me!

Many times we only come to the Lord when we have a need or want God to do something for us.  I hope this simple story will rekindle the fire within you to go all out for God, not because we want something from Him, but because of what He has already done for us.


Here is a true story about a nine year old boy who lived in a rural town in Tennessee. His house was in a poor area of the community.

A church had a bus ministry that came knocking on his door one Saturday afternoon.  The kid came to answer the door and greeted the bus priest.

The bus priest asked if his parents were home and the small boy told him that his parents take off every weekend and leave him at home to take care of his little brother. The bus priest couldn't believe what the kid said and asked him to repeat it. The youngster gave the same answer and the bus priest asked to come in and talk with him.

They went into the living room and sat down on an old couch with the foam and springs exposed.  The bus priest asked the kid, "Where do you go to church?" The young boy surprised the visitor by replying, "I've never been to church in my whole life."

Then the bus priest said, "Well, son, more important than going to church, have you ever heard the greatest love story ever told?" and then he proceeded to share the Gospel with this little nine year old boy.

The young lad's heart began to be tenderized and at the end of the bus priest's story the bus priest asked if the boy wanted to receive this free gift from God.

The youngster exclaimed, "You Bet"!

The kid and the bus priest got on their knees and the lad invited Jesus into his little heart and received the free gift of salvation.

They both stood up and the bus priest asked if he could pick the kid up for church the next morning. "Sure", the nine old replied.

The bus priest got to the house early the next morning and helped the little boy and his brother get dressed. They got on the bus and ate a donut for breakfast on their way to church.

Keep in mind that this boy had never been to church before.

The church was a real big one.  The little kid just sat there, clue less of what was going on.  A few minutes into the service these tall unhappy guys walked down to the front and picked up some wooden plates.  One of the men prayed and the kid with utter fascination watched them walk up and down the aisles.

He still didn't know what was going on.

Suddenly, the kid understood what was taking place. “These people must be giving money to Jesus.” He then reflected on the free gift of life he had received just twenty-four hours earlier. He immediately searched his pockets, front and back, and couldn't find a thing to give Jesus.

Then he had an idea. This little nine year old boy, in front of God and everybody, got up out of his seat. He walked and grabbed the usher by the coat and then he did the most astounding thing I have ever heard of. He took the plate, placed it on the carpeted church floor and stepped into the center of it.

As he stood there, he lifted his hands and little head up and said, "Jesus, I don't have anything to give you today, but just me. I Give You Me!"


Let us all have this child like faith and give God what we do have. Only by surrendering to Him can we see God take what seems to be ordinary and do extraordinary things through. I have made the commitment and said, "Here am I God, send me." I encourage you to make the same decision and see the amazing things God will do through your life.

Matthew 18:4, “Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.”

Blessed Day!


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