Behold, I make all things New.

As we enter the New Year 2016, trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding. "Certainly the Lord will make all things new in your life" Rev 21:5, In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your paths.  Be not wise in your own eyes, fear the LORD and depart from evil. Proverbs 3:5-7. Delight your self in the Lord for He shall give thee the desires of your heart, Commit thy ways unto the Lord and trust in him and he shall bring it to pass. Psalm 37: 4 -5. 
Many are the plan in a man's heart but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails. Prov 19: 21.The above verse  declares  the  sovereignty of  God over  the  plans  of  men, we may  plot and scheme  to be able  to have our plans  come to pass year after year but only God  knows if they  will be able  to attain  them as He and He  alone knows the future. We know our past, we know our present but we do not know our future, certainly we know one thing that, God holds our future, and he has great plans for our future. Jer 29:11.    
People around the world are trying their level best to be Happy through money, material, entertainment, parties, drinks and dances etc. but The Bible hardly mentions the word happiness but repeatedly uses the word Blessing, as something God bestows on those who live for Him and in His way, rather than living from a self-centered life. People in the world today have a difficult time finding happiness and fulfillment because they are going about it the wrong way. Consequently, life doesn’t get better – it gets worse.

‘You can’t get second things by putting them first, only by putting first things first’ as Jesus said  ‘Seek first God’s kingdom and His righteousness and everything else will be given you as well’ Math 6:33Put your relationship with God first and everything else second and you will be happy, for you will be blessed. We’re truly happy when we’re radically yielded to obey Jesus. All our worries will come to an end when we put our trust and faith on God who created heaven and earth, worries will come back when we lose our trust and faith on God, Mathew 6:31-33 says that people who do not know the true living God will be always worried for every thing, such are the people who will go after astrology, fortune tellers, horoscope etc but for every one who knows the Heavenly father, Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit the God of Trinity did not be worried because God knows their needs and He will meet all their needs

Sadly for many people,  concern of their  lives is not the Kingdom of God, but their  selfish needs and wants. Jesus reverses the order and tells us to get rightly related to God first, to keep that as your main focus and He will take care of everything else. Everything else will fall into its right place and that’s why He said ‘Do not worry’. There’s absolutely no need to worry if first things are first, because God can’t break a promise. That is why Mother Mary said “do whatever Jesus says” John 2:5. When we focus on the Heavenly father and His son Jesus we get the heavenly support to receive the anointing of the Heavenly Spirit that is The Holy Spirit. “You will receive power when the holy spirit comes upon you, and you will be my witnesses .......all over the world" Acts 1:8.
when the Lord saw the world during the days of Nova, people were filled with wickedness, lawlessness, sinfulness and full of evil, so He destroyed the evil people by flood water, the flood water which destroyed the people, same water lifted the ark and saved Nova and his family (Gen 6:5-13.) when we see the present world it is worse than the days of Nova, so God has decided to destroy the sinfulness in our body than to destroy the physical body, and transform our physical body in to His temple by filling our body by His Holy spirit. (1John 3:8, 1 Corinth 3:16.) So Jesus instructed Mother Mary and His disciples to wait and pray to receive the baptism of the Holy spirit, as per the instruction of Jesus, Mother Mary, His disciples and others prayed for nine days and on the tenth day they were all baptized by the Holy spirit. (Acts 2:1-8.) Even today you can be filled by the power of the Holy Spirit and have the Pentecostal experience. The Pentecostal experience helps you to lead a clean, holy, healthy and blessed life and you will become a channel of blessing to yourself, your friends, your family and others in this world. The Pentecostal experience also helps you to have a new life, new vision, new hope, and new future in life by putting an end to all your wickedness, weakness, lawlessness, sinfulness and bad habits. Jesus used the symbol of water to describe three levels of spiritual development possible through the Holy Spirit:
Level 1: Jesus spoke of being "born of water and the Spirit". This is "the cup of salvation" (John 3:5, Psa.116:12-14), with which we begin our Christian lives. With water baptism our original sins which came from Adam & Eve are cleansed and brought into God’s kingdom as his children and being born of the Holy Spirit we can lead a clean, holy, healthy and blessed life which will be pleasing to God.
Level 2: Jesus went further and spoke of that cup becoming "a well (spring) of water" (John 4:14). This is a deeper experience of the Holy Spirit, where all our inner longings are met by Him, so that we live in perpetual victory and joy, lacking nothing. A man who has a spring  in his own compound is not dependent on the city corporation’s water supply. No outsider can turn off his water supply, for he has the source of water within his own compound. This is how it is with the Christian who has found the secret of perpetual abundance in Christ. No-one outside of him can cut off his supply of joy, peace, happiness, good health, blessings and divine protection (John.16:22).
Level 3: Jesus went still further and said that the well would now become a river, ( John 7:38 ) and many rivers of blessings will flow out of a person who is filled by His  Holy Spirit. This is a picture of overflowing abundance. Such a believer in Jesus is able to quench the thirst of many needy people around him. Where as a well satisfies only our own longings, rivers of living water make us a blessing to many people, wherever we go. The blessing with which God blessed Abraham was, "I will bless you....and in you ALL THE FAMILIES of the earth shall be blessed" (Gen.12:2-3). This is the blessing that can now be ours through the Holy Spirit (Gal.3:14).
When God blesses us to the point of rivers flowing out of us, many families in many parts of the country and even in the whole world can be blessed through us. Only a cursed person hurts and injures other people wherever he goes. This is how most of the children of Adam & Eve live. They only know how to obey devil and fallow his ways and bring curse to themselves and others. The good news of the gospel is that we can be saved from such a miserable existence. We can now have rivers of living water flowing out through us constantly, and be a blessing to everyone that we meet. We can be merciful & good to others just as Jesus has been merciful & good to us. We can release others from bondages & sufferings just as Jesus has released us. We can bless others just as Jesus has blessed us. We can give freely to others just as Jesus has freely given to us. We can be good-hearted to others just as Jesus has been to us.
St Paul was the most problematic person in the church history but after he was filled by the Holy Spirit and had the Pentecostal experience he became the pillar of the church Acts 9:1-22, St Augustine was the most problematic person to his parents and to every one and was involved in all types of sins but after he was filled by the Holy Spirit and had the Pentecostal experience he became the Saint. You too can become the best even if you are worst.

Every saint has a past and every sinner have a bright future. You too can become living saint in Christ Jesus. In the old covenant, the emphasis was always on the external "because of the hardness of men's hearts" (Matt. 19:8). The law emphasised cleanliness in the external. The new covenant, in contrast, emphasised cleanliness "inside the cup" first (Matt. 23:25,26). Jesus said in that verse (v. 26) that once the inside was cleansed, the outside would automatically become clean so that there would be no need to clean the outside at all. One can see this clearly from Matt. 5:21-30. If one has cleansed his heart from anger, there would be no danger of his committing murder externally. Likewise, if he has cleansed his heart from sexually dirty thoughts, there would be no danger of his committing adultery externally. Clean the inside of the cup and the outside will automatically become clean. our emphasis primarily on the externals like - avoiding  smoking, drinking, taking drugs, gambling etc., - The way to get rid of external evils is not by concentrating on them first but rather on the internal worldly attitude of mind and heart which produces those external evils. 
Prayer   for the New Year 
Dear  Heavenly   Father, thank  you that you  care  for  me, forgive  me when  I  fail  to trust  you and try  to take  decisions in  my  own  way, Lord  I  know  that  you have  the  best plan for my  life, Please  give me  the grace  to accept it  and  to  do  the things that pleases you each day, Jesus help me so that my  inside be cleansed there by  automatically my outside life will become clean, fill me with your Holy Spirit and grant  me the  grace  to change the things in my life  that  are  not  pleasing  to you. I ask this in the name of Jesus, heavenly father, Amen


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