Birthday Gift!.


There was a question in my mind yesterday, as to what gift I would give to my Saviour this year on His birthday. I thought and thought and came up with nothing. Then I decided to consult the Holy Book.

I came up to the passage, where the three wise men brought unto the Lord, the gifts of gold, myrrh and frankincense. Wow! How nice, I thought. Perhaps I could make a golden crib for Him to rest on!

Hey! But wait a minute; what would happen to me; if He were to rest. Would I survive for a minute if He were to take His protective hand away from my head? Just then, the pages of the Holy Book were flicking away and they rested upon the page where it is written "Heaven is my throne and earth is my footstool; what kind of a place will you build for me"?

Oh yeah! How true. I looked up at His face in the altar. He seemed to be waiting expectantly for me to make up my mind. While all the other preparations for the banquet were over (e.g.; my new set of clothes, sweets and savories... etc. etc.) only the birthday gift for my Saviour was pending.

Later, as I had nothing better to do I thought of very many things as a gift for Him. But each time I came up with a new idea and looked at His face for approval I saw a big frown up there. Obviously He did not like any of the things I had to offer Him on His birthday. It was then it struck me. Yes! I would give Him my heart this time. Wow! How clever of me; He is sure to like it. I looked at him now. He seemed to look satisfied. Then began the preparations. I went to the market and got myself a good scraper and soap. I began by scrapping off all the dirt caused by jealousy, hatred, anger, resentment, greed...... and so many other things. Then I removed one by one the various blocks at the entrance of my heart by confession. There were a few more cobwebs of sinful habits that were left behind which I washed off with my tears of repentance. Wow! How light my heart weighed now. And now came the most difficult and tiring part.

That is filling up all those loopholes through which the temptations entered in. And believe me, this was most toughest and painful; as it required giving up so many things that were so dear to me but offensive to Him. Finally I seemed to succeed; and I was happy while polishing and packing up my gift with personal prayer and the other gifts which I had received from the Holy Spirit.

Dear friends, I am sure you still can’t imagine the joy that I felt when I held up my shining gift beautifully prepared and packed gift for my Saviour to see. I just couldn't wait to give it up to Him. And as I was handing over my gift in advance, I saw that He was still not fully happy and satisfied. Though He seemed quite happy, I could see that something was still bothering Him. It was then I asked Him what the matter was. And He said to me, "My child, do you see up there; there are also many others whom I love, and care for; but they do not even know me and my name.

My dear if you really want to make me completely happy get them all to me."

I was surprised now; "But how Lord; How can I, a non-significant mortal, accomplish such a mighty task?" I asked. At this He replied; "Why don't you ask your friends, to help you? How happy I would be, if in this season if each of you and your friends would at least tell two people about me."


So, what say, my friends; shall we together start preparing our birthday gift now? It is embarrassing and difficult; I agree; but if it will make our Saviour happy, why not give it a try?

I just did by sharing this with you, and will continue. Now it’s your turn. Our God is a great and loving God. He will bless you no matter what.

Stay Blessed!


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