Christian Love.....

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” – Matthew 5:9.


Before slavery was abolished, slave markets were very common in the developed countries. Here, poor and helpless people were exhibited in the public and sold for a price like animals or vegetables.

A rich man bought a young slave from the market to work in his farm. The slave was a Christian and obeyed his master's orders with love and respect. Impressed by his innocence and dedication, the landowner asked him to accompany him during his next visit to the slave market to buy more slaves for his new farms.

Reaching the slave market, they saw a large number of slaves displayed for sale. The owner sought the opinion of the slave in selecting suitable slaves. The slave pointed at an old and frail man and pleaded to purchase him. The rich man was reluctant  as the man was old and weak, but the young slave insisted.

Finally the old man was bought and brought to the farm. The young slave was eager to help the old slave and even shared his duties with pleasure. When he fell ill, the young slave looked after him and saved him by his tender care.

Seeing these acts of affection, the master asked the young slave whether the old man was his father or a close relative. The young slave denied. When the master insisted, he told the story of his association with the old man.

When the young slave was a child, the old man had stolen him and sold him as a slave to the slave traders. The master asked, "That means he is your worst enemy. Then why did you care for him?"

The young slave replied, "Sir, I am a Christian. Jesus taught us to love our enemies. I am following His commandments."

The owner was impressed by this exemplary display of Christian love. He became a true Christian and granted freedom to his slaves.


Jesus taught, "Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, and pray for those who ill-treat you.” (Luke 6: 27, 28; Matthew 5:44-45.)

The supreme sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross, His forgiveness and His constant compassionate love comes to us in the Holy Eucharist - the Sacrament of Salvation - the highest act of LOVE.

Love, do good and…

Stay Blessed!


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