Lord, Our Rock

“The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. – Psalm 18:2.

I trust you'll be blessed by this message that shows God's protection for His children. As you read this message, remember that God will guide you and protect you all the days of your life because of your trust in Him.


Late one evening, a missionary asked the Lord to help him stay awake as he drove through the night to speak at the next church.

Just then he saw a hitchhiker walking in the rain and picked him up. As they talked, he discovered that the stranger was a believer and that they actually had many of the same friends. They laughed together, shared stories and, before they knew it, dawn was breaking and the hitchhiker was saying, "Here's where I get out."

Before they parted, they had a cup of coffee together at a road side cafe and promised to pray for each other.

By now the rain had stopped and it was daybreak. A few minutes down the road, the missionary suddenly realized that he hadn't got the man's phone number, so he returned to the cafe hoping to catch him. But there was no sign of him.

He asked the waitress which way he had gone, she looked puzzled and said, "Who? You came in here alone! I wondered why you ordered two cups of coffee".

The missionary glanced at the table where they'd sat and, sure enough, the hitchhiker’s cup was still full to the brim and cold. Then suddenly he remembered that when he'd picked him up the night before in the pouring rain - he wasn't even wet!


We should be confident in the fact that God will always protect us and keep us from any harm. Many times in the Bible, God commands His people to be strong and courageous and to fear not. We see God's protection throughout His word and just as God protected the saints of old, we need to show ourselves strong and know that He will do the same for all who put their trust in Him, for He loves us very much.

"He will command His angels concerning you, to guard you in all your ways…” – Psalm 91:11.

Stay Blessed!


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