Dogged Persistence.....

Do not get discouraged when you do not see the answer to your prayers.  Remember there is a war going on in the unseen world and Satan does not want you happy and complete with your needs met, but be encouraged and know that you have angels that watch over you and go to and fro bringing you the answers to your prayers.

Matthew 7:7-8, "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. "For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened."


Once a man who loved to hunt, and bought two topnotch bird dogs. He kept and trained them in his large back yard.

Down the street lived a vicious-looking bulldog who liked to crawl under the fence to attack the two setters. Day after day he would come, and the two setters would tear the bulldog apart, until he could take no more and slip away with his tail between his legs.

But, each day, for weeks, he kept returning. And each day would go home whining in pain, licking his wounds.

After several weeks something interesting happened. The setters had only to hear the bulldog coming and quickly scurried into the basement of their owner's home. They had had enough, even though they had beaten the stuffing out of the pesky bulldog time and time and time again.

The bulldog's dogged persistence made him the winner. Determination, persistence, hanging in when others check out — that's what makes a winner a winner.


Be encouraged and never give up on anything no matter how hopeless it may look to your natural eyes.  Whether you are praying for your loved ones to come to know the Lord or you are in need of a breakthrough whether physical or financial, stay steadfast and unmoved in your faith, believing God for every need to be met for He is the God of the impossible.

The Lord has vouched for you and says with Him on your side, ‘You are a Mighty Child of God.’ Take God at His word and never give up.

Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you, says the LORD, plans to prosper and not for your destruction, to give you a future and a hope."

Blessed Day!


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