The Joy Of The Lord...!

"And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” – Romans 8:28.


Once I saw a lady come sailing out of a local shopping center in a wheelchair which made me hold my breath. She was as happy and joyful as any mother I had ever seen. In this handicapped mother's lap sat her little boy. He laughed out loud as his mother did a fancy spin in her wheelchair. Round and round they went.

When I neared them I asked the lady, "You seem very happy in spite of your predicament."

She promptly replied, "The joy of the Lord is my strength."

Spinning round and round they went by, laughing with delight as they disappeared into the crowd.


I realize that there are many tragic situations in this life, as we live in a world that has broken us. But for all those who have put their faith and trust in him, and accepted him as their Savior and Lord, are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus.

However, in thinking about the handicapped women in the wheelchair, in so many of life's situations, life can become beautiful for many who have major setbacks in their life when they daily commit and trust their life to Jesus Christ, and in their mind and thinking choose to make the very best with what they have, in spite of what they don't have.

Maintain that two and two would continue to make four, in spite of the whine of the amateur for three, or the cry of the critic for five.

My advice is never to whine or whimper to your friends, so they never see the other side or you. Instead, save it for Jesus; instead give it to Jesus, for He has said, ‘Cast all your cares, worries, burdens, anxieties on Me’…….He will, indeed, sustain you.

Stay Blessed!


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