Just One Mistake.....

"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." ( Matthew 6:33).

Christians should learn to put first things first in their life. Once we learn to seek what God wants for us, rather than what we want for ourselves, the quicker we will learn how much sweeter our salvation can be. There are some Christians who are unconcerned about the things of the Lord. It is those that we can't help but wonder if they are really saved. The Bible says if you love me, you will keep my commandments.


He brushed his teeth twice a day.
He went through the clinic twice a year.
He wore his overshoes when it rained.
He slept with the windows open.
He ate lots of vegetables.
He got at least eight hours of sleep.
He exercised regularly without fail.
He never smoked, or drank, or lost his temper.
He always rested on his off day.
He was all set to live to be a hundred.
He is survived by 18 specialists, 4 health institutions, 6 gymnasiums and a great host of makers of body-building equipment and antiseptics.
He made just one mistake.
He forgot God!


God knows what your needs are. He knows what your heart desires. And His Word says He is faithful to give us our desires. Seek ye first, the Kingdom of God. Are we seeking God today? Are we really seeking God for what He wants in our lives? Are we living a life that God is pleased with or are we just doing any old way, and thinking that we are pleasing God?

Remember, God sees all that we do, and hears all that we say.

Search your heart today, and ask the question: Is God really pleased with me? If the answer is no, then, fall to your knees right now, and repent. Ask Jesus to forgive you of your sins, and if you do with a sincere heart, He will be quick to forgive you, and to move into your heart to live there as your personal Lord and Savior.

Jesus is coming soon for a people that are pure at heart. He is coming back for His Bride, who will be without spot or wrinkle.

Are you part of the Bride of Christ? I pray you are.

Blessed Day!


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