Choose Fire or Water?

Deuteronomy 30:19 "I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live."


Two visitors came to see me, both at the same time,

Both were trying to win control of my body, heart, and mind

One was dressed quite plainly, one dressed fit to kill,

I couldn’t see the battle they were waging for my will.

One promised to give fame, friends and riches beyond compare,

Anything I wanted, it seemed, and while I was standing there,

He showed me how life could be, for a little while at least,

I couldn’t see beneath the clothes, to recognize the beast.

The other told of hard times, of sacrifice and pain,

Ridicule and persecution, nothing much to gain,

But there was something deep in this visitor’s eyes

That made me feel to choose Him, somehow would be wise.

I guess you know the outcome, I hope my life reflects,

The one I picked, the path I chose, the one that He directs.

But now at last I see Him, as He truly is THE KING!

So, did I choose so poorly, I wonder as I sing…

Eternal praises to my God at last in heaven’s city.

Could I have been richer, more popular, what a pity-

For now all I have to show for the pain and unkind laughter,

Is a crystal mansion on a street of gold, living happily ever after.


“He has placed fire and water before you; reach out and take whichever you want. You have a choice between life and death; you will get whichever you choose.” – Sirach 15:16-17.

The Book of Life is God’s hands…To inscribe your name in it, is IN YOUR HANDS.

Blessed Day!


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