Jesus, I Need .....

We need to seek Jesus trusting in his goodness and mercy. Sometimes our fear, anger and habitual sins prevent us from approaching God in prayer. At times we even become angry with God when he seems slow in answering our prayers.

We need to cry out to Jesus just as the blind beggar Bartimaeus did in the gospel of Mark. In desperate moments, let us approach Jesus in prayer and trusting faith as Bartimaeus did and listen to Jesus’ voice asking us, “What do you want me to do for you?” He told Jesus, “Rabbi, I want to see.”

Let us tell him our hearts intentions and needs. We should be specific in our needs and not beat round the bush.


According to a Jewish legend there was once a blind man who was married but had no children. Although his life was hard, he never complained.

One day as the blind man was sitting by a river, the prophet Elijah came to him from heaven and said, “Even though your life has been hard, you never complained, and so God will grant you one wish.”

The poor man frowned. “Only one wish!" he said. “I’m blind, I’m poor, and I’m childless. How will one wish satisfy all my problems? But give me twenty-four hours and I’ll think up a wish.”

He went home and told his wife what had happened. She smiled at him and said, “Eat well and sleep soundly, for I know what you should wish.”

He came back the next morning and said to Elijah as he appeared again, “I wish to be able to see my children eat from gold plates.”

The wish was granted and the man and his wife lived happily for the rest of their days.


If you want really to see who you are in Jesus Christ and what you’re life is about, you must listen closely to Jesus, not seeking words which will serve your own agenda, but rather words which challenge you, make you think, force you to reflect and ask what you exactly need.

Jesus says in Matthew 7:7-8, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.”

Blessed Day!


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