Even Our Smallest Needs; God Cares...

I want you to know that God is still in the miracle working business. If a problem seems impossible to solve with your natural abilities, then you should always give it to God and see the impossible become possible, just as Jesus declares in Luke 18:27 “The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.”


The approaching snowstorm was all over the news and by the weekend a warning was out. People were stocking up all the daily commodities and necessary requirements. My daughter and I heard the latest forecast: up to 48 inches of snow in less than 24 hours. Four feet was way more than we could shovel!

Our priest had often talked about how ‘God cares about our smallest needs.’ Well, I had some needs now and they didn’t seem so small. I stood at the storm door.

“Dear Father,” I prayed out loud, “You said that you put your angels in charge over us. Please send some angels to help us with all this snow!”

“What are you doing?” my daughter asked.

“You’ll see,” I said. “God is going to send someone to shovel our walk.”

She laughed. “If it’s the two boys next door, who never really helped in anything, it really will be a miracle!”

We settled in for the night. Just before I fell asleep, I peeked out the bedroom window. Snow was piling up. There had to be two feet already because I couldn’t even see my car tires anymore. Whomever God sent would need a snow blower.

First thing in the morning I looked out the window again. The drifts were five feet high in places. Cars were almost completely covered. Snow was everywhere. Everywhere, except on our walk and driveway. Our car was completely clear as if some-one had brushed every flake away.

I called out to my daughter, “You’ve got to see this!” Then I dashed down the stairs and threw open the front door. Even the welcome mat was free of snow.

“I don’t believe it!” I couldn’t even see a single footprint.

My daughter reminded me, “You said that angels would clear our path.”

And she was right: Snow Angels! Who else could have done all this work?


This story is an incredible example of how the God works in mysterious ways. Nothing is ever hurt by prayer except the gates of hell. As the above true story clearly illustrates, "with God all things are possible" and more importantly, how God hears and answers the prayers of the faithful.

Let’s give God thanks and glory for the beautiful gift of our faith, for the powerful gift of prayer, and for the many miracles He works in our daily lives.

Stay Blessed!


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