Prized Possession!

If we are to be successful in guarding ourselves from the enemy who is out to destroy us and our happiness, we need to be prepared. Meaning to have God's Word deep within our spirit where temptation from the enemy will not have any remote chance of success.

I encourage you to spend time reading the Bible. It truly is alive, active and has power to change your life. (Hebrews 4:12).


A man was seated on a park bench when a boy about five sat down beside him.

He noticed the boy was winding, carefully and slowly, what appeared to be a most prized possession – a watch.

"My, my, what a pretty watch," remarked the man. "Does it tell you the time?"

"No sir," replied the boy; "You gotta look at it."


God's truth is everywhere, but you must look for it and at it to see it.


By reading, studying, meditating, memorizing and by applying His word in your life every day.

How truly, someone once said, "I am convinced that one of the greatest treasure, a prized possession we Christians hold, is the Word of God."

So, if you haven’t made a resolution for 2016, it’s better late than never, make it now to read study, meditate, memorize and apply it in your life (everyday) to have life and life in abundance; Spiritually, Financially and Health wise.

I guarantee you by the authority of God's Word; the closer you get to God, the closer He will come to you; try Him and…

Stay Blessed!


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