Giving God Flowers?

There are many moments in life when we get distracted with life's challenges that we tend to forget about those that are not as fortune as we are. It is important that we remember the suffering, downhearted and helpless, and try our best to make a difference in their life. We will be showing the Love and compassion of Jesus Christ and will receive a just reward for treating others the way we ourselves would want to be treated.


Recently, my wife, had been away for a few days visiting family. I wanted to welcome her home by buying her flowers as an expression of my love and to show how pleased I was to have her home.

That same morning when I was in personal prayer, I knew I was going to be buying flowers for my wife, so I prayed, "God, I'd like to give You some flowers today, too, as an expression of my love and to let You know how grateful I am to You for all you have done and are doing for me."

And how do you give God flowers?

Well? it was a Saturday morning so I was out early to do some shopping at our local hardware store as I had chores around the home to fix. As I was walking to my car, I heard a voice behind me, looked around, and there was a clean-cut young man (about early-twenty-something) sitting on the curb. He wanted to know how he could get a taxi back to a certain place. He'd been waiting for about an hour and none had turned up.

He was a student and needed to get to this destination desperately – so I said, "Jump in my car. I'll take you."

This place was about further 20 kilometres round trip to my place. I gave him one of my business cards, which has a link to our online gospel message, and invited him to visit our website as well. He accepted it willingly and gave me one of those brightest smile ever.

I think that was my opportunity to give God flowers.


Have you given God any flowers lately? And husbands, have you given your wife any flowers lately?

As Jesus said, as often as you show a kindness to anyone, you do this as unto me. "The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'” – Matthew 25:40.

"Dear God, help me today in some way – no matter how small – to give you flowers by showing a kindness to a fellow sojourner in his or her moment of need. And grant that they will get a glimpse of Jesus in me, and will want Jesus for themselves. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer gratefully in Jesus' name. Amen!"

Stay Blessed!


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