Apt Reply!

"Let your speech always be with grace, as though seasoned with salt, so that you will know how you should respond to each person.” – Colossians 4:6.


Once a man had a tough day at the office when everything imaginable had gone wrong. To make matters worse, he had left the office late and was trying to rush – but hit every red light on the way home.

As he was about to enter the house, he heard a noise in the garage. He entered, and saw his 3-year-old daughter Amy with an open Fevicol jar.

She looked up and said, "Hi Dad! Did you have a good day?"

The man surveyed the situation and blew up: "Amy! I've told you not to touch that Fevicol jar if it gets all over the floor – that stuff's impossible to clean up. And look, you have already dropped some of it on the floor. You're responsible for all this little girl and I’m going to deal with you once I change.”

Amy just looked at her dad for a second, then stood up, put her arms out, and hugged him. "Daddy," she said, "you must have had a terrible day. Just let me hold you."


That is a gentle, soothing answer. That is an apt answer. That is an answer that shows the beauty of wisdom.

Who has spoken such words to you lately? Have you thanked him or her? Who do you need to approach and thank?

Have you been speaking such words? Who still needs an apt answer, a soothing reply from you?

Saying exactly the right words, giving an "apt answer" or a "word in season," is a great joy. As the day continues, there will be numerous opportunities for apt, gentle, soothing answers. Maybe a gentle answer, a soothing reply, even to something that was said twenty years ago. Maybe a word in season in the midst of present tension. Maybe an apt reply to a statement about present pain and suffering; it could make someone’s day.

--- O God, may wisdom flow from us, so that wherever we travel, we may emit your light and your fragrance to every one we meet. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen!

Stay Blessed!


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