Remedy For Any Problem...


Aim for a higher level of thinking. 

Don't allow negative thoughts to influence what you say or do. 

You are better than that. 
You are stronger. 

Take undisciplined irrational thoughts captive. 

Train your mind to transcend low level negativity. 

Strive to think on Godly level. 

And set your mind and keep them set on what is above (the higher things), not on the things that are on the earth Col 3:2

Higher level thoughts go beyond the negative and take you to a Place of positivity. 

A heavenly place where the Glory of God resides. 

There you will find peace, victory, healing, and deliverance. 

Pls Meditate put this into practice it will change your life your destiny. 

Good Morning Praise Jesus 
God has  Blessed You and your Family


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