Healing is still Available Today

Jesus came that we might have life more abundantly. Whatever illness has invaded your body must be obedient to Jesus Christ and leave. 
The Bible says that there is a way that seems right to men, but the end is destruction. There is a path that leads to healing. That path is Jesus.

He is the Way the Truth and the Life. It seems right to expect death from sickness and disease, but that is not the will of God. Know that God has another plan for your life. That plan is Abundant Life 

God is not caught off guard by your illness He knew it was going to happen before you were born. He knew on the day His Son was Nailed on the Cross that it was going to happen.
Don't  dare give up on your healing because the doubt committee in your mind is telling you its hopeless.
Resurrection Power resides in you. 
THINK  IT  SPEAK  IT  BELIEVE  IT  and most of all KNOW  IT  
It is done in Jesus' Name. 

Speak Words of life. You are the reason Jesus suffered and died at Calvary. 
Death is powerless over you.
You are eternal. There is an appointed time for your healing. Though it might not look like it though it might not happen immediately it will surely come. Hab 2:3

You can't speak sickness and death and expect healing. You can't think and speak poverty and expect provision to flow from heaven. 
God didn't create the world by meditating and talking about darkness.  He said let there be Light Gen 1:3.
Nurture your environment with positivity through the energy of your words.  Speak Abundance. 
Don't rehearse the worst case scenario or what the doctor said might happen. If you feel pain or see a lump reject the negative thoughts of disease.

Medical professionals have God-given skills and talent, but they don't have the last word. Christ had the last word. Even the Apostles had the doctor with them in their travels. Luke, who wrote the third and longest Gospel in the New Testament was a physician. It's a blessing to have positive, committed, and experienced healing professionals in your midst.

Praise you Jesus 
God has Blessed You and your Family


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