God's Love Never Fails.

"…I will not forget you. See, I have inscribed you on the palms of my hands..." – Isaiah 49:15-16.


A certain child lived off the income of its parents. It is, after all the natural way that children are nurtured. He received food, clothing, shelter and education. He got an allowance, and finally, when he went to university, his parents sent him money each month to pay his room and board.

The child used to communicate each week with his parents, but, as his life got busier, he would forget to write or call, and he would not be home when his parents called him. Each month however his cheque arrived in the mail.

Over time, as the child need's grew and he spent more money on things he wanted, he found that it was very difficult to meet his payments for books and clothing and food. Finally, desperate and afraid, he wrote his parents and asked for more money.

The parents either couldn't or wouldn't send the desired money and told him so. They soon received a terse reply from their child.

“Do you love me or not?”


Did the parents love the child? Another question, however, can be put: Did the child love the parents?

This too is a question we need to ask ourselves in relationship to our faith in Christ. Do we love Him?  Do we really trust him?

When things did not go our way, when what we want does not appear immediately, or in the fashion that we expect, do we begin to doubt God and accuse Him of not caring for us?

Soul destroying doubt. It is a common thing. The doubt that says to you when you are in trouble: "If God really cared, then I would not be in this mess".

Always remember this:
God does care. God cares like a parent cares for his or her child as they are learning to walk. First God holds our hands and calls to us to move toward him, then, as we gain strength God lets go, but is there to catch us lest we fall and to encourage us …I will not forget you, my people. See, I have inscribed you on the palms of my hands.

I can't brag about my love for God because I fail Him everyday.
But I can brag about His love for me because He never fails...that's His promise...

Stay Blessed!


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