Our Debt, He Paid...

"Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." – John 15:13.


You may be familiar with the story of Father Maximilian Kolbe, a Catholic priest who was imprisoned in a Nazi concentration camp during World War II.

Father Kolbe's love for the other prisoners earned him the nickname "Saint of Auschwitz."

One day, a prisoner escaped from the camp. Each time anyone escaped, the guards executed ten men as a punishment. As the guards prepared for the execution, Father Kolbe came forward. He asked to take the place of another prisoner, a man named Gajowniczek, because he was a family man, with a wife and children. The guards agreed.

Father Kolbe and the other nine men were placed in a cell and starved to death over the next few days. Father Kolbe died on August 14, 1941. Every year, Mr. Gajowniczek returns to Auschwitz to commemorate the death of Father Kolbe. It is his way to say thank you to the man who died in his place.


How thankful are we to our Lord Jesus who died in our place?

How can we thank God enough for giving His life by dying on the cross in our place so that we could inherit our gift of eternal life?

Jesus paid a debt He did not own, because we were in debt that we could not pay.

Let us always live a life in an attitude of gratitude for all that Jesus has done for us.

Let’s express our sincere gratitude by living for Him, living with Him, living in Him and living through Him…

Stay Blessed!


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