A Valentine’s Box…

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.…” – 1 Corinthians 13:4.


Todd was a sadly quiet 11-year-old struggling to adjust to the death of his mother. His father left long ago and he was living with an aunt who treated him badly.

On several occasions Sheryl, the boy's teacher, heard the aunt tell Todd, 'If it weren't for my generosity, you would be a homeless orphan.'

"Sheryl took extra pains to make Todd feel valued and she encouraged his interest in making things. Just before the Christmas break, Todd shyly presented her with a small decorated box he had made.

"'It's beautiful,' Sheryl gushed.

"Todd replied, 'There's something very special inside that my mom gave to me before she died. She said it's the one thing I can give and still have plenty left. It helps you feel better when you're sad, and safe when you're scared.'

"As Sheryl started to open the box, Todd warned her, 'Oh, you can't see it.'

"'Well, what is it?' Sheryl asked kindly.

"'It's LOVE. And you're the first person since my mom that I love.'

"Sheryl hugged Todd tightly and said, 'I'll treasure this forever. It's the best gift I ever got.'

She kept it on her desk until she retired and touched it whenever she was sad or scared. It never failed to make her heart smile.

"Years later, Todd sent her the tassel he wore during his graduation from medical school. It's been in the box ever since.

"In truth, it's LOVE, not diamonds, that's the gift that keeps on giving. What's more, love generates itself. The more you give away, the more you have left."


Give what you have to give with love; it will come back to you – it will come back multiplied a thousand-fold — but the attention must not be on that. Yet have the power to give, give with love, and there it ends.

“Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." – Luke 6:38. 


Stay Blessed!


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