Good Intentions…

“…Love does not dishonour others…” – 1 Corinthians 13:5a.


In 1998, Disney introduced this generation to Hua Mulan, a legendary Chinese folk heroine who risks bringing dishonour upon her family by dressing up as a man and taking her ill and aging father's place in the army.

During a time when young women brought honour to their families by marrying well, Mulan chose a path quite the opposite. Mulan's intentions were honourable – wanting to save her father by serving in his place, a place that could only be occupied by a male member of the family; Mulan risked her father's shame should she be discovered to be a woman.

When Mulan is injured in battle, her secret is discovered, and dishonour does indeed threaten her family. However, Mulan's honour is restored when she saves the life of the Chinese Emperor, and she is rewarded with an offer to serve as an officer in the Imperial army.

Mulan is able to return home to her family with their honour intact, but she had laid quite a lot on the line in the process. Her actions, though done out of love for her father, would have caused dishonour on her family.


In the qualities of love listed in 1 Corinthians 13, we find, in verse 5, that "Love does not dishonour others".

In the Old Testament we are told twice to "Honour your father and mother…". And then, we are reminded to do so six more times in the New Testament.

I think it is safe to say that God holds honour with much importance. Today's verse shows it as an action of Love. There may be times when our intentions are good, but why risk disobeying the Lord's command? Honouring others in love is always a better option!

Let us desire to bring honour to our Father in heaven and not forgetting our parents as well. Honour others also knowing that it will honour to our heavenly Father. Let our honour be out of love and not out of good intentions.

Stay Blessed!


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