Truth or Lies?

“Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” – John 14:6.


The first mate on a ship decided to celebrate an occasion with a "little" stowed away rum. Unfortunately, he got drunk and was still drunk the next morning.

The captain saw him drunk and when the first mate was sober, showed him the following entry in the ship's log: "The first mate was drunk today."

"Captain, please don't let that stay in the log," the mate said. "This could add months or years to my becoming a captain myself."

"Is what I wrote true?" asked the captain, already knowing the answer.

"Yes, it’s true." the mate said.

"Then if it is true it has to go in the log. That's the rule, end of discussion," said the captain sternly.

Weeks later, it was the first mate's turn to make the log entries. So, the first mate wrote: "The ship seems in good shape. The Captain was sober today."2


Jokes aside, people can make things say or appear to be whatever they want them to say or be. The reality is that we see things not the way they are but the way we are. And the more untruthful (dishonest) we are with ourselves, the more we will distort all other truth, including God's truth.

Of even more series and damaging consequences are those created by the many today who twist God's Word to say what they want it to say.

They call abortion pro-choice.

They call the person they are living in sin with their significant other.

They say the acceptance of homosexuality and gay marriage is a new work God is doing among us!

They seek to destroy the very foundations that make a country great. In all of these they have exchanged "God's truth for a lie." If we sow the wind, as God's truth warns, we will reap the whirlwind.

Only the truth (Jesus) will ever set us free. 

Stay Blessed!


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